I originally was posting this as "Things I Miss (about home)", but now that I will be home soon, the title has changed...
Things I am Looking Forward to in US
- Dad saying “Beck Beck”
- Mom’s calm and sweetness *and everything*
- Drinking water on demand from the tap
- HOT shower (well, running water in general)
- Cold skim milk with cereal (Product 19, Capn Crunch, Honeycomb, Kashi, …)
- English Breakfast tea with skim milk
- Watching classic movies with a nice cup of hot tea and black licorice to chomp on
- Apple Pie
- Mom’s Pot Pie
- Chatting with my sisters
- Laughing with my family
- Weeklong beach vacation with family
- Jonathan’s live cello music
- Really clean hair!
- Hugs from Laura
- Woody Allen movies
- Virginia Opera
- Dinner with friends in Petersburg
- Planting spring flowers
- Mowing the lawn
- Working out at the gym
- Indoor bathroom!!
- Listening to Car Talk & What Do You Know while driving in car
- Wildflowers in a vase on my table
- Hummingbirds
- American flag flying
- Watching tennis (French Open, Wimbledon, …) and playing tennis
- Ben & Brad’s craziness!
Things I Don’t Miss (am not looking forward to)....
Political Stuff (speeches, squabbles, campaign ads), morning TV shows’ self-indulgent programs, any “reality” TV, overabundance of “stuff” that most people have (while still claiming how “bad off” they are), experts in some type of crazy-sounding job (e.g. pet psychologist…oh sorry, animal companion psychologist), women who complain about finances but continue to purchase more “stuff” ($80 purse, $100 pair of shoes, $50 hairdo, …), impatience of those who can’t wait even 10 minutes in a line without complaining, equating successful life with an educational degree or certain position, …