Saturday, July 23, 2011

Random stuff after reading < again > CS Lewis

I've read many of CS Lewis' books that are mainly thought of as in the genre of Christian apologetics.  Have recently re-read The Screwtape Letters which I've read many times.  The basic idea is that there is a "junior devil" who is in the world trying to convert this guy away from Christianity and we are reading the letters written to him from his Uncle Screwtape who is a "senior devil" and is giving him advice on how to steer people away from "the Enemy" (God).  Thus, simply posting two snippets (among many) that I found worth posting:
  •  Prosperity < as defined in the earthly sense > knits a man to the world.  He feels that he is "finding his place in it" while really it (the world) is finding its place in him.
  • To prevent them < the humans > from turning to God.....turn their gaze away from Him towards themselves.  Keep them watching their own minds and trying to produce feelings there by the action of their own will. When they mean to ask Him for charity, let them instead start trying to manufacture charitable feelings for themselves.  When they mean to pray for courage, let them really be trying to feel brave